Start a new submission

For COVID-19 data submissions, users should contact us in advance of submission at for specific advice on options and to access the highest levels of support.

Thank you for your interest in submitting your data to the EGA.
Complete the form below and we will proceed to create a submission account for you. If you have questions or comments: please write to the Helpdesk.

EGA only accepts Human-derived data that has appropriate consent affiliations, which enable the data to be submitted to the EGA for controlled access. By ticking this box you are stating that you have the appropriate consent in place to submit your data to EGA. If your data is not human-derived you should consider submitting your data to an alternative archive such as the ENA. ***Please be advised that the EGA does not transfer data to any other database, thus incorrect submissions will be deleted***
My data requires controlled access *

You need original consent agreements demonstrating that your data requires controlled access to submit to the EGA. The box above must be checked to proceed. If you have not got them, you should submit the data to another EBI archive, such as the ENA. Please be advised that the EGA do not transfer data to any other database thus incorrect submissions will be deleted.

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